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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Guatemala Campaign: Day 4...Finding lost sheep in Coban: Emma

Day 4.  Tuesday, March 15th, 2011.  Today was simply AMAZING!!! Must admit, things got off to a rough start for me personally.  I did not get enough sleep so I woke up with a headache from the night before.  Not a great start to my day but I took some Aleve and my headache was gone by the end of breakfast. Praise the Lord.  Today we did things a little differently.

We began our day with a prayer and went to visit some people brother Darvin knew.  These people were found in some local businesses.  The first one we met owned a small cafe and gave us some crackers with some pineapple marmalade.  It was pretty good.  After that we visited another lady and the situation was bleak. She had a son who died two years ago and as a result her family has been torn apart.  Not at liberty to share what else is going on but her story was pretty tragic.  We offered her some Scripture of comfort and prayed with her and invited her to come to the third session of our series on the armor of God.  Unfortunately, she did not show. It was not long after this that we met Emma (Pictured above).

Emma was the highlight of our day. As we were walking along, we saw a woman (Emma) and her daughter Paola (not pictured) sitting in front of a doorway in the shade waiting for school to get out to pick up her youngest daughter, Samantha.  We approached her and I initiated the conversation. We began to talk to her about what we were doing and we mentioned that we were with the church of Christ here in Coban. When we said church of Christ, she stopped us and asked us if we were the ones that don't use instruments. Naturally we said yes.  Her eyes lit up.  It was at this point that we discovered she was actually a sister in Christ!!! She had moved to Coban in 2004 and had been a member of the church in the place she moved from.  When she moved to Coban, there was not yet a church here at that time so she had not worshipped since 2004!!!  But we were all excited because we had found what brother Darvin called "una ovejita perdida."  What this means is we FOUND A LOST SHEEP!!!  I was reminded of the Parable of the Lost Sheep found in Luke 15:4-7 where the man found the sheep and rejoiced and invited all others to rejoice with him. This really touched my heart. We also invited Emma to come to our Armor of God lesson tonight and you know what? SHE CAME!!! Her two daughters also came! They sneaked in a few minutes late but they were there none the less.  This really made me happy.  She does need prayer finding a job and also she asked for prayers for her family and her health.  She plans on coming back tomorrow. We also were able to give her a ride home tonight.  It also warmed my heart that everyone else welcomed her with open arms and hugs. This was the highlight of today.  What made this more awesome was that this morning we had prayed that God would take us to the people He wanted us to meet, and there is not a doubt in my mind that the prayer was answered today in meeting Emma.

The rest of the day proceeded as usual. We had a few studies and tonights meeting went off without a hitch.  I translated my first sermon for Tony successfully. In addition to that I was encouraged by brother Darvin when he recognized me in front of the members for my willingness to translate and for being willing to get a sun burn on my head out in the Guatemala heat just because "I love the work." The Lord's work that is.  Actually, there was one hitch, Jared spilled his drink at brother Darvin's home and made a mess.  It was quite hilarious watching him clean it up and teasing him for it.  But I am happy to say that is the worst thing that happened so all in all as I said at the beginning, this was an AMAZING day!!!

I will never forget meeting Emma and her daughters. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.  She has truly been a blessing both to the church here in Coban and to me. LOVE Y'ALL! GOD BLESS! THANKS FOR READING!

1 comment:

  1. You guys are doing some great work. Keep it up David!
